
Epic Cash


Here you will learn everything you ever wanted to know about Epic Cash and why it’s considered superior money. 

By: The Epic Cash Community

Epic Cash represents the ultimate milestone in the pursuit of authentic peer-to-peer internet currency, serving as the foundation of a secure financial system. Its goal is to establish itself as the most efficient and privacy-focused digital currency on a global scale.

By: Tilman

To comprehend the advantages and elegance of Mimblewimble, one must first delve into the UTXO (unspent transaction output) model employed by Bitcion Core (BTC) and other blockchain networks.

By: Tilman

When assessing various blockchain protocols, the consideration extends beyond mere data protection; it encompasses both decentralization and scalability.

By: Tilman

Cryptocurrencies have transformed the financial landscape by facilitating secure, decentralized digital transactions. Nonetheless, the advent of quantum computers introduces a novel challenge to security.

By: Tilman

Particularly within the Bitcoin (BTC) community, the notion of the first mover advantage is pervasive. Merely because BTC has held the undisputed top position in the cryptocurrency realm since its establishment in 2009 does not guarantee its enduring dominance.

By: Tilman

Cash, much like various facets of your daily life, reveals its true value and benefits when it’s no longer present. It signifies the capability to utilize your money anonymously and without constraints.

By: Tilman

The benefits of cash are widely acknowledged. It’s the anonymity inherent in the direct exchange of money between two individuals that sets it apart, with no third party able to monitor or exert control.

By: Tilman

“Tainted coins are destructive. If you break fungibility and privacy, you break the currency.” Andreas Antonopoulos

By: Tilman

Financial privacy entails being the unbridled master of your own money. No entity can dictate how you utilize your funds, assess the extent of your wealth, or even ascertain whether you possess any assets at all.

By: Tilman

When referring to something that withstands the test of time, it implies enduring popularity, strength, etc., even after an extended period, ensuring continued existence. Bitcoin maximalists firmly believe that Bitcoin has successfully passed this test, given its 14-year history.

By: Tilman

In the world of blockchain technology, consensus mechanisms play a central role in maintaining the integrity, decentralization, and security of networks.

By: Tilman

For anyone who is aware of the collapse of the fiat currency system, it is obvious that only solid, scarce money, that cannot be censored, has a future.

By: Tilman

Bitcoin Core (BTC) and Epic Cash (EPIC) are two cryptocurrencies that not only had their fair launch, but also no pre-mine, no Initial Coin Offering (ICO), no enterprise and no venture capital.

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