
Epic Cash


Welcome to the Epic Cash resource page. Here you will find a range of resources that will help you pay and receive payment for goods and services using Epic Cash.

Would you like to get paid in Epic for a product or service, but do not know Epic Cash’s spot price? Worry no more! With Epic Cash’s Payment Processor you can calculate the total amount of Epic Cash with a click of a button. Just select the currency of choice, enter your wallet’s address, the ID of the point of sale and the amount in the currency you have chosen. Then click on generate. Now simply present the QR code to the buyer so the payment can be made in Epic Cash.

Would you like to generate a QR Code for your wallet’s public address, making it easier for you to get paid in Epic? Then this is the resource for you. Just enter your wallet’s public address, click on generate and presto! You now have a QR code.

This fiat to Epic Cash converter is a handy tool to calculate the value of fiat currencies in Epic Cash. With a user-friendly interface, you can quickly enter an amount of USD, EUR, GBP, and other major currencies and see its value in Epic Cash. Our converter uses real-time exchange rates, ensuring you get the most accurate rate possible.

This File Transfer Service (FTS) is designed for those who wish to use the transaction file method of the desktop wallet. PairDrop uses WebRTC which automatically encrypts your files and allows for P2P file transfers, meaning your files are NEVER uploaded to a server or database. To learn how to use PairDrop to carry out Epic Cash transactions, click here. (Tutorial coming soon.)

To learn everything there is to know about Epic Cash’s Payment Processor check out our GitHub. There you will learn the methodology to use Epic Cash to settle merchant’s invoices and have access to the source code behind the app.

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